Estimated Delivery Times: Due to the increased demand for Chewie Ball, delivery can take between 5 to 12 days. We understand the anticipation of waiting for a new toy and are committed to minimizing this wait time. All the orders are shipped directly from our warehouse in the United States.

Tracking and Delivery: Upon shipment, you will receive a tracking number, allowing you to monitor the delivery progress to your doorstep. We partner with reputable carriers to ensure a secure and timely delivery.

Expedited Shipping Requests: If there's a special occasion or if you simply can't wait for your pet to start their new play adventures, please reach out to us at We're here to assist and will explore every option to meet your expedited shipping needs.

We are honored to be part of your pet's playtime and well-being. Thank you for your support and for being a part of the Chewie community!